
Read all the latest books from our staff…                 … more to come soon!


Kerry Pimblott, Faith in Black Power: Religion, Race, and Resistance in Cairo, Illinois (UP of Kentucky, 2017)

“In this vital reassessment of the impact of religion on the black power movement,… read more here


Philipp Robinson Roessner, Rethinking Economic History (Schaffer-Poeschel, 2017) 

‘This book illuminates economic theories from mercantilism to modern times and the findings of the most important economic thinkers… read more here

Julie-Marie Strange, Fatherhood and the British Working Class, 1865-1914 (Cambridge UP, 2015).

“A pioneering study of Victorian and Edwardian fatherhood, investigating what being, and having, a father meant to working-class people. Based on working-class autobiography… read more here

Sasha Handley, Sleep in Early Modern England (Yale UP, 2016).

“A riveting look at how the early modern world revolutionized sleep and its relation to body, mind, soul, and society… read more here


Charlotte Wildman, Urban Redevelopment and Modernity in Liverpool and Manchester, 1918-1939 (Bloomsbury, 2016).

Faced with economic decline, unprecedented levels of unemployment and new forms of political extremism during Britain’s last great economic crash, politicians and planners in Liverpool and Manchester responded by investing in dramatic and ambitious programmes of urban regeneration… read more here

 Eleanor Davey, Idealism Beyond Borders: The French Revolutionary Left and the Rise of Humanitarianism, 1954-1988 (Cambridge UP, 2015).

This is a major new account of how modern humanitarian action was shaped by transformations in the French intellectual and political landscape from the 1950s to the 1980s. …read more here


Ana Carden-Coyne, The Politics of Wounds: Military Patients and Medical Power in the First World War (Oxford UP, 2014).

The Politics of Wounds explores military patients’ experiences of frontline medical evacuation, war surgery, and the social world of military hospitals during the First World War… read more here

Peter Gatrell, Free World? The Campaign to Save the World’s Refugees 1956-1963 (Cambridge UP, 2011; reprinted in paperback 2016).

Free World? is a major contribution to the transnational history of humanitarianism in the postwar world. Peter Gatrell shows how and why the UN, NGOs, … read more here


 Peter Gatrell, The Making of the Modern Refugee (Oxford UP, 2015).

The Making of the Modern Refugee is a comprehensive history of global population displacement in the twentieth century. It takes a new approach to the subject, exploring its causes, consequences, and meanings. … Read more here

 Anindita Ghosh, Claiming the City: Protest, Crime and Scandals in Colonial Calcutta (Oxford UP, 2016).

As the administrative and commercial capital of British India and as one of the earliest experiments in modern urbanization in the sub-continent, Calcutta proved enormously challenging to both its residents and its architects… Read more here


Christian Goeschel, Suicide in Nazi Germany (Oxford UP, 2009; reprinted as paperback 2015).

The Third Reich met its end in the spring of 1945 in an unparalleled wave of suicides. Hitler, Goebbels, Bormann, Himmler and later Goering all killed themselves. These deaths represent only the tip of an iceberg of a massive wave of suicides … read more here

 Max Jones, Peter Yeandle, Bertrand Taithe, Berny Sèbe, Decolonising Imperial Heroes: Cultural Legacies of the British and French Empires (Routledge, 2016).

The heroes of the British and French empires stood at the vanguard of the vibrant cultures of imperialism that emerged in Europe in the second-half of the nineteenth century… read more here


 Allan Kennedy, Governing Gaeldom: The Scottish Highlands and the Restoration State, 1660-1688 (Brill, 2014).

Conventional accounts of the Scottish Highlands tend to assume that they remained detached from the mainstream of British affairs until well into the eighteenth century. In Governing Gaeldom, Allan Kennedy challenges this perception through detailed analysis of the relationship between the Highlands and the Scottish state during the reigns of Charles II and James VII & II… read more here

 Paul Oldfield, Sanctity and Pilgrimage in Medieval Southern Italy, 1000-1200 (Cambridge UP, 2014).

Southern Italy’s strategic location at the crossroads of the Mediterranean gave it a unique position as a frontier for the major religious faiths of the medieval world, where Latin Christian, Greek Christian and Muslim communities coexisted… read more here


Steven Pierce, Moral Economies of Corruption: State Formation and Political Culture in Nigeria (Duke UP, 2016).

Nigeria is famous for “419” e-mails asking recipients for bank account information and for scandals involving the disappearance of billions of dollars from government coffers. Corruption permeates even minor official interactions, from traffic control to university admissions… read more here

Sarah Roddy, Population, Providence and Empire: The Churches and Emigration from Nineteenth Century Ireland (Manchester UP, 2014).

Over seven million people left Ireland over the course of the nineteenth century. This book is the first to put that huge population change in its religious context, by asking how the Irish Catholic, Anglican and Presbyterian churches responded to mass emigration…. read more here


Philipp Roessner, Martin Luther on Commerce and Usury (1524), (Anthem Press, 2015).

A revised translation of Martin Luther’s most important economic pamphlet with extended critical introduction and notes…. learn more here

Alexia Yates, Selling Paris: Property and Commercial Culture in the Fin de Siècle Capital (Harvard UP, 2015).

In 1871 Paris was a city in crisis. Besieged during the Franco–Prussian War, its buildings and boulevards were damaged, its finances mired in debt, and its new government untested. But if Parisian authorities balked at the challenges facing them, entrepreneurs and businessmen did not… read more here